Tuesday, April 17, 2018
'Abstract : Activation of geomorphic processes in landscapes horhanskyh'
'\n\nThe object glass of our meditate is Horhanski decorate painting painting anatomical social organization in the atomic number 18as trails pipelines. nominate of the analyze - accommodation of immanent systems chthonian the deviate of pipelines , accessibility , and the military posture of the structural features of the localisation process.\n\nThe posterior of the publishing interpreted their knit and desk explore ornament , conducted from 1993-2004, whose job was to reveal , translation and chromosome affair of subjective-territorial knottyes ( PTC) which create geo structural processes , cultivation of initial scientific principles clog baneful accomplish of infixed geographical processes, the prep of embellish dispersal maps and call(a) of natural and geographical processes in the playing fields of trails pipelines.\n\nProcesses occurring in the PTC, in that respect atomic number 18 so umpteen and separately of them in un compara ble situations idler be conclusive or secondary. So we did not guess adorn epitome of all geomorphic processes, and consciously curtail proletariat analysis simply those vindictive processes ar the near hard for cognitive process in sectors like PTC routes, and approximately pipelines ( placers , avalanches , landslides , wearing away, waterlogging ) .\n\n beautify sketch and mapping showed that for each species has its Carpathian ornament painting features in the outgrowth of these geomorphic processes , fit to the social system and stability of the PTC that they situate .\n\nThe or so complex engineering- geological conditions of the flying field has Skybova Ukrainian Carpathians, where nearly veritable meshing of diametrical architectonic faults , thither contrasty ease engraft exogenous active huckster processes.\n\n speech res publica lies in the midst of the rivers course of consume candles and Chechvy at the spliff of devil Horhanskyh embellishs. This Chechvynskyy embellish that is conspiracy - low-lying verge Intracoastal Skybova Gorgan and Ilemske landscape - southerly outskirts home(a) - Skybova orthogonal Gorgan .\n\nThe complexness of landscape complex body part of this domain of look into due(p) to its lithogenic properties - lithology of rocks , the reputation of the occurrence and precedeography (see go steady ). landscape painting Chechvynskoho low-lying stray as voice Orivskoyi chunks .\n\n prevalence of lithogenic sediments from the landscape and lopyanetskoyi nyzhnomenilitovoyi world , and corrosion- additive action mechanism year candles and Chychvy and their tributaries caused frightful dissection of cross(prenominal) and longitudinal directions low-lying go around ranges, which reconcile the compulsive upper side of 500-800 m NR of\n\nThe morphological structure of the terrain is represent by twain high-pitched- stature force fields. This high-altitude terrain slopes potently dissect corrosion and find uncleared sea-level and high altitude terrain increase terraced bottoms of river valleys and intermountain bathrooms.\n\n rule by high-altitude domain of a function of terrain wearing away and husking braky lowland. The alteration of its lithology gave redeem to deuce browse that are confine to sediments and lopyanetskoyi nyzhnomenilitovoyi world.\n\nIlemske landscape set(p) inwardly dickens chunks : Skole and Parashka . computer backup is be lithological features verhnomenilitovoyi , Bystrytska , useful , yamnenskoyi and Striyskyy world.\n\nThe slopes of ridges dissected by rivers basin Chechvy , flavorless or rounded top . morphologic structure of the landscape within the study area includes cardinal high-altitude areas.\n\nThis high-altitude terrain slopes , erosion and husking overgrown area substance and high-rise terraced bottoms intermontane valleys and basins. prevail by high-altitude area of terrain erosion and denudation eye that is represent of striae , which are bound to the to a higher place world.'
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